Grading & Drainage

Landscape grading is integral to creating a beautiful and functional outdoor space. Grading involves the manipulation of the existing terrain to create a level surface for planting, paving, and other landscape elements. Proper grading ensures that water drains away from structures, prevents flooding and soil erosion, and creates uniformity in your outdoor space.

When it comes to landscape grading, there are several different techniques you can use to achieve the desired outcome. The first step is to determine the existing grade of your land by using a laser or transit-level tool to measure slope distance or elevation change. Once you have chosen this information, you can make adjustments with either manual labor or machinery such as bulldozers and backhoes.

For smaller projects involving minimal elevation changes, homeowners can handle the task themselves with manual labor tools such as shovels and rakes. However, suppose you are making significant changes in grade or dealing with steeper slopes. In that case, it’s best to call on professional landscapers with experience working with heavy machinery for more efficient results.

When planning your landscape project, it’s essential to consider how grading will affect nearby homes and properties so that you don’t cause any damage or displacement of soil from one property onto another. It’s also crucial that any changes align with local building codes, so be sure to check with your local municipality before beginning any work on your property.

Overall, proper landscape grading is essential in creating an aesthetically pleasing outdoor space while also ensuring that water drains properly away from buildings and other structures on your property. With careful planning and consideration for nearby properties and local building codes, homeowners can create a beautiful outdoor oasis while protecting their investment simultaneously!

Call us today to schedule an appointment
(520) 245-8583

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